East African Communications Organisation (EACO)

The East African Communications Organization (EACO) was established in 2012, as a regional autonomous organization with international legal personality and is headquartered in Kigali Rwanda. EACO brings together national ICT regulators, operators, services providers (in the telecommunication, broadcasting and postal sub-sectors), ICT training institutions and other stakeholders in the communication sector within Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The broad objective of EACO is to strengthen and promote cooperation among the six EAC Countries in the development and provision of postal, telecommunication and broadcasting services in East Africa.


The specific objectives of EACO are:

  1. To harmonise ICT Policy and regulatory frameworks in the East African region
  2. To promote the development of broadcasting, postal and telecommunications/ ICTs
  3. To devise ways and means to achieve fast, reliable, secure, affordable and efficient communication services within the EAC

Presently, EACO is a Sector member of the ITU and an Observer at the EAC. It has 74 ICT members and over 12 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with affiliates including, Ericsson, Internet Society (ISOC), International Telecommunications Satellites Organization (ITSO), Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO), AFRALTI, ARICEA, GSMA.

EACO Mission

“To coordinate the development of the communications sector through harmonization of policy and regulatory frameworks in the East African Community".

EACO Vision

“A digitally empowered East Africa region”.

EACO Objectives

  • To harmonise ICT Policy and regulatory frameworks in the East African region.
  • To promote the development of broadcasting, postal and telecommunications/ICT services.
  • To devise ways and means to achieve fast, reliable, secure, affordable and efficient communication services within the East African Community.

» Download EACO Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028 [Here!]

EACO Core Values